Upper West Side

Type of Project: Garden

Name of Project: Upper West Side

Location: Upper West Side, NY

Use: Residence, recreational

Size: 480 SF

Completion Date: 2014

Designer: Alive Structures

Collaborators: Zura Bushurishvili, Metal Worker

Project Description: The garden design and installation was part of a gut renovation of a pre-war building just blocks from Central Park. To create privacy and a sense of enclosure nine upright European Hawthorns were planted in the border of the garden. The center of the garden contains a rocky natural landscape shaded by a weeping Eastern Redbud. The trees are underplanted with native ferns, coral bells, and nodding onion.

Other landscaping Alive Structures completed on the property include a green roof, a pergola, and a terrace planter. We worked with a local metal artist to design and fabricate a table, bench and chairs for the garden.

Photographer: Marni Majorelle, 2014